Björneborg Steel World’s first Open Die – free form forging with fossil free production
Björneborg Steel AB
Press release
14 Dec, 2022 at 10.00 CET

Björneborg Steel becomes the world´s first Open Die Forge to run a fully fossil-free production campaign. The company is also the world´s first to use the biogas rDME in an industrial scale. The gas provider Flogas AB is the perfect partner delivering the rDME while the other partners Gasum delivers the biogas LBG and Jämtkraft AB is supplying fossil-free and renewable electricity.
Besides having fossil free electricity in the production, the company is replacing its fossil gases with biogases and thereby reaches a fully fossil free production concept. The concept is being marketed under the name GreenForge®. Various test campaigns will be run to optimize and verify product properties before production is fully switched to continuous fossil free production during 2026. It is estimated that availability of biogases will be sufficient at this time.
– It is now extremely important that political decisions are made to create the needed preconditions for production of fossil free energy in all shapes. The industry is ready to implement the climate change, says CEO Håkan Dedorsson
– We have a very good and close cooperation with our partners and with this conversion we ensure that we can continue to produce world-class products but now with a minimal climate footprint. We also contribute to strengthening the Swedish world leading position as a fossil free steel and forging producer. We see a clear trend and demand from our customers for fossil free forgings and it is very satisfying to known that we now can meet this demand and strengthen our competitiveness, says CEO Håkan Dedorsson.
Already today has Björneborg Steel a small climate foot-print as production is carried out using 100% fossil free electricity, LBG instead of LNG, re-circulation of by-products, 100% recycle products, site transports with bio-diesel and environmentally friendly company cars. With GreenForge®, production will be totally fossil free.
För ytterligare information kontakta
Håkan Dedorsson, VD Björneborg Steel AB, +46 76 540 80 70
Facts Björneborg Steel AB
Björneborg Steel is a fully integrated forge and controls the manufacturing process from scrap to finished product. The company has the largest free-form forging press in the Nordic countries and delivers anything from semi-finished products to completely finished products ready for assembly. The company has core competence in advanced processes for steel with high cleanliness, complex forgings and machining. The operations are located in Björneborg and Kristinehamn in Sweden with global sales.