Our way of making steel – a customised mix of tradition and innovation

We have our own steel plant – a prerequisite for achieving the high-quality materials and flexible production that we offer. We have over 150 steel grades in our portfolio with custom adjustments on demand. A flexible size range with ingot weights from 4 to 75 tonnes and heat sizes that can be adjusted as requested. Polygonal-shaped and selected sizes in rounds dimensions. The alloy content of the steel we produce can be as high as 15%. The steel production is scrap-based and uses scrap from the immediate vicinity. This brings major environmental advantages, as only a minimum of transportation is needed. Today’s steelworkers are skilled professionals who use modern methods in a well-adapted plant.
- Arc Furnace: melting and refining, T-tapping at ~1680°C
- Ladle Furnace: T-start ~1630°C, T-end ~1660°C, deslagging on special grades
- Vacuum degassing
- Uphill teeming: 100% uphill teeming, teeming temperature: 1520-1580°C, ~40 ingot types