World’s first Greenforge®-generator shaft delivered to ABB for a geothermal power plant.
4 december, 2023
20 mars, 2024Björneborg Steel’s and Swerim AB’s joint development project for improved energy efficiency has been approved.
“Energy efficiency for diffusion annealing of steel ingots with high carbon content for steel products with high quality requirements” receives funding from the Swedish Energy Agency. The project is an extended work on a thesis study about carbide distribution, made at Björneborg Steel during 2023.
The aim of the project is to develop a verified simulation model for diffusion annealing of ingots. The goal is to reduce the time in the heating furnaces and thereby reduce energy usage as well as emissions of greenhouse gases. Shorter heating times also increases flexibility as well as production capacity.
Project start is March 2024 will run for two years 2026.
For further information please contact:
Håkan Dedorsson, VD Björneborg Steel AB, +46 (0)76 540 8070