Björneborg Steel AB secures large marine order
18 februari, 2020
Björneborg Steel acquires part of Blue Future Höje in Kristinehamn
8 maj, 2020We would like to give to give the following update of current situation at Björneborg Steel AB.
- Our region is not heavily affected (some imported cases by ski-tourism from Italy)
- We don’t have any confirmed/known cases in our organisation
- Our workforce is 100% intact
- Raw-material supply is unaffected (scrap, alloys, bricks/tiles, electrodes etc.)
- Energy supply is stable (electricity, gas etc.)
- Production is un-affected
- Our Subcontrators are reporting no disturbancies so far and we keep a close dialogue
- The majority of transports are running well and all is possible
- Transport to South Europe needs more co-ordination than before
- Shipments to Asia/China are somewhat affected and delayed
So at the moment our operation doesn’t have any disturbances. However the spreading of COVID-19 continues in a non-desired pace both in Sweden and Europe and we continue to closely monitor and follow advice and recommendations from the Government, Folkhälsomyndigheten (Swedish Health Ministry). WHO, ECDC, Swedish Foreign Affairs and we also make our own risk assesments daily, based on the latest development of the situation. So far we have taken the following actions:
- No business travel for our staff and no visits to our premises
- We will use web-based meetings whenever possible and needed (Skype or Microsoft Teams)
- Suppliers and subcontractors are controlled and do only mandatory deliveries and work to ensure continuation of our operations and investments to enable order fulfilment
- Contact with truck drivers is controlled and any physical contact avoided
- Personal hygiene and health control (body temperature)
- Staff in risk cathegories work from home
- Daily management meeting to monitor situation and take swift actions if needed
- Weekly communication letter to our customers